I can say I am a winner if I won something TODAY, no matter how small, no one can take that away from me.
Putting Yourself First
I recently spoke with someone very close to me and could tell that something was off. I think
that because I have done the same thing of putting on a front when I am not okay, I picked up
on it straight away and mentioned something about it. They were quick to withdraw and try
and change the subject which normally I would allow because that is what I would want to
make me more comfortable, however, I challenged them to open up about what it was that
was bothering them because someone did that for me when I was really down last year and it
helped me feel like I was no longer bottling up all this anger because someone truly wanted to
hear me out. I think there is so much negativity in this world and we are all scared to share our
feelings because we are afraid of potential consequences or timid about opening up in what
can be a pretty harsh world. This not only impedes our happiness on a personal level, but it also
makes our mental stress increase and causes the things we all detest including overthinking,
negative self-talk, etc.
There have been a few days as of late where I have not felt like myself; I have felt unfocused,
unmotivated, the need to be on my phone to take up my attention, and a bit sad at times. I am
sure millions have felt the same recently or for a long time and the things I do to help my
situation are not instant fixes or band-aids, but they help me manage my emotions by doing
actionable activities. The strategies that I have developed to combat these feelings with actions
include cleaning up my room and kitchen to make myself put time and effort into something
productive, deciding to go to the gym to complete a workout, or going to practice not giving
myself the option. I also like to meditate; sitting with my thoughts and a rhythmic breath to try
and simply observe and reflect. Finally, talking to my loved ones as much as I can. I have not
found many healthy habits much better than these that help me feel better and combat all this
negative mental narrative that we all tend to overwhelm ourselves with.
I sometimes sit and wonder how we are all so different, how some of us feel the need to drink
to feel better, some smoke cigarettes, and others like myself have a dopamine addiction where
we feel the constant need to be on our phones and having some sort of stimulation. I think that
there is no real way of combatting our negative emotions healthily for the rest of our lives as
we are all human. We all have our vices and in moderation, it is not the end of the world; with
that being said though, I felt the worst I have ever felt in 2020 and tried to numb my pain with
alcohol or other unhealthy habits such as nicotine. This only made me feel worse over time and
have to dig deep inside myself to quit these habits eventually. The best example I can think of is
that I used to vape on and off for a couple of years and could never get off of it; today marks
two months vape free and I can promise anyone that the rewarding feeling of not doing
something is much better than the short term release you get from doing it. The thing I am
proud of most of with regards to my story is that I took initiative and responsibility for my faults
and bad habits to better myself in the long term which is something I have always struggled
with because I did not believe in myself enough to make these life changes.
The thing that comes along with this personal responsibility that I have begun the journey of
taking is that you start to understand what makes you truly feel good for longer periods and
start to become addicted to things that have a positive impact on you instead of a negative one.
I never really was into working out and still would probably prefer to not be lifting all the time,
but the way it puts a callus’ on my mind and makes me feel when I complete a tough workout is
far more desirable to me than any sort of another vice to use when I am feeling down or just
daily to stay healthy, fit and help improve my golf game. I have also had conversations with my
therapist where she describes how these make you feel great. After all, you are deciding to put
yourself first and show yourself compassion because you feel like you deserve that.
This hit home with me because a lot of time in the past I felt like I was not deserving of compassion and
would do these things to myself to impede my self-development progress and make myself feel
numb for a little while so I did not have to feel bad for myself temporarily. The beautiful thing
about taking some time for yourself, or making yourself a nice meal, or completing a good
workout, or reading a good book; whatever it Is that makes you tick makes you feel like you
won a little trophy for yourself and from personal experience, it is a very satisfying feeling.
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I can say I am a winner if I won something TODAY, no matter how small, no one can take that away from me.
think that it is very important to discuss how I have combatted anxiety, how I struggled/struggle with it and give a few pointers that I have learned through the years from professionals and my own research.
There have been many dark times in my life where I regret my emotional outbursts and inability to see certain situations with clarity.