I can say I am a winner if I won something TODAY, no matter how small, no one can take that away from me.
The Need for Constant Self-Reflection
I am not here to receive pity; however, I am here to be open about my life and
things I have been through. These experiences have made it very important for me to be
constantly self-aware and reflecting on where I am at as well as reflecting on my own
emotions or feelings.
I lost 4 family members when I was 14, and since then have been very
obsessed/scared of death. This triggered a lot of different thoughts, patterns in behavior
including a year where I was extremely depressed and questioning everything around
me, feeling bad for myself on a daily basis. I also have experienced some severe anxiety
over the last couple of years that has made me a lot more sensitive and a lot more self-
aware of my own needs for my mental health. I felt a lot of self-doubt, self-hate and
disgust daily that it became overwhelming, but eventually I came out on the other side
and it showed me the way I need to destress when things start to spiral out of control.
Over the past few years it has become extremely important for me to eliminate
negative people from my life and make sure I make the people I value feel loved and
appreciated. I have learned these values through the concept of reflected appraisal,
because it was the people, I still have in my life that reminded me that I am a good man.
They reminded me of these things I forget sometimes and show me that I am a loving.
These important friends, family and loved ones have made me feel valuable and
important and have helped me shape my values, morals, as well as dig myself out of
some dark spots and get myself back on the right track.
My self-esteem and self-concept have a huge barring on my interpersonal
relationships. I say this because if I do not feel like myself, my friends and family take
notice and I cannot communicate as well because I am not clear or thinking straight if I
am anxious or feeling low about myself. I think a lot of people experience these same
things and situations like I am describing. A lot of times I will be so overwhelmed with
emotion I don’t feel like talking to anyone which is not like me at all. This effects my
personal relationships because I then need to lean on my friends for advice or to get me
back to level ground. This is nothing to be ashamed of however, as we all need this on a
daily basis; people to be there all the time when you are proud of something and when
you are not feeling good about yourself.
The positive side of my self-concept is that I have become very aware of my
inner feelings and emotions and have developed healthy ways to deal with it that do not
affect my relationships. I use exercise and therapy to express myself and the thoughtful,
caring man I have developed into allows me to really connect with people I have
relationships with and be more open to talk about things I may not have been able to
before. I also feel more heavily armed to be able to give people good advice and be
there for my people when they need me.
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I can say I am a winner if I won something TODAY, no matter how small, no one can take that away from me.
think that it is very important to discuss how I have combatted anxiety, how I struggled/struggle with it and give a few pointers that I have learned through the years from professionals and my own research.
There have been many dark times in my life where I regret my emotional outbursts and inability to see certain situations with clarity.